Frequently Asked Questions

  • OHIP does not cover private social work counselling services. If you have extended benefits, you many have partial or full coverage for counselling services provided by a registered social worker. If you have extended benefits, I encourage you to connect with your provider before our first session to determine your coverage.

  • For those who qualify, there are some funded programs that I am approved to provide counselling services through including:

    -HEALTH CANADA - First Nation & Inuit Health Benefit Mental Health Counselling Service Provider and can accept NIHB and IRS clients.



  • It’s hard to pin point the number of sessions it will take to resolve an issue(s) you might be experiencing. However, most clients share that once they have had an opportunity to share what they’ve been experiencing with a therapist, they start feeling better after one session. Typically this doesn’t mean that their concerns are resolved, rather they comfortable, heard and validated through the counselling experience.

    Depending on your concerns for counselling, the type of therapeutic approach is taken, clients can expect to see benefits from effective therapy after 6-12 sessions depending on their personal goals. Sometimes, counselling might take longer.

  • Kudos to you for making yourself a priority! While counselling does take some time, completing homework and regular attendance are key ingredients to success.

  • This is a big first step so I will try my best to ensure that you’re feeling comfortable. I understand that it might feel weird talking about yourself so I might ask questions about you in order to get to you know a bit better. During our session we will work together to understand your need and to establish your goals for counselling.

  • I accept Visa, Mastercard and e-transfers

  • You may have some coverage for psychotherapy services depending on your insurance/ benefit plan. Please contact your provider to verify how your plan compensates for psychotherapy benefits.

    I would recommend asking the following questions of your insurance provider to help determine your benefits:

    Does my health insurance plan cover MSW (Master’s Degree in Social Work)?

    Do I have a deductible? If so, what is covered? What portion of my sessions will be covered?

    Does my plan limit how many sessions per calendar year I can have? If so, what is the limit?

  • Treatment provided by Registered Social Workers has been recognized as income tax deductible medical expense by Revenue Canada.

    Services are confidential as governed by the privacy policies and the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) code of ethics. A few exceptions to confidentiality may apply and they will be outlined in your first session.

  • My fees are in accordance with the recommended fee for services for social workers in private practice established by the Ontario Association of Social Workers

    Cash, e-transfer, debit and credit card payments are accepted. Payment is due at the end of each session. All private sessions are provided an official receipt with my OCSWSSW Registration number. All counselling rates are exempt from HST. Life happens and I totally understand. However, I do have a 24 hour late cancellation policy which requires a half payment for cancelled sessions less than 24 hours in advance of scheduled time.

  • Our services are confidential as governed by the privacy policies and the code of ethics of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). Information you share if collected and stored with strict adherence to Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act. Information about your treatment can only be shared with you expressed/written consent.

    Limits to Confidentiality -There are times I may need to share or report information to ensure that everyone is safe. Here are some exceptions to confidentiality:

    If there is any indication that a child is at risk of physical, sexual, emotional abuse and/or neglect. If there is any concern of danger causing serious harm to self or others In the event where a disclosure is made about a client being abused by a healthcare professional. In the event that documents/reports are subpoenaed by the court.