Capacity Assessments

Help determine an individual’s capability to make decisions through an evaluation called capacity assessment.

What You Need To Know About Capacity Assessments

A designated Capacity Assessor typically becomes involved when there are concerns that an individual may appear mentally incapable and may be at serious risk of harm.

Capacity Assessments are legal assessments that aim to find out if a person can safely make decisions about their welfare, whether for day-to-day activities, such as what to eat and wear, or major life decisions, such as handling finances.

A Case or Situation That Might Require a Capacity Assessment

For example, an individual who sustained a brain injury and whose spending habits suddenly changed may undergo an assessment to determine if they are capable or incapable of making decisions related to their property and if guardianship is necessary.

When Can You Request an Evaluation?

A capacity assessment may be appropriate if it falls under any of the following:

  • No continuing power of attorney is in place (unless there is a condition that it only comes into effect when a person is “incapable”).

  • There is an issue that needs to be decided on or a specific decision that has to be made, and it is unclear if an individual is capable of doing this on their own.

  • The person to be evaluated is willing to participate in the test.

  • Other less restrictive options have been considered but are not suitable (e.g. home care for medication management, setup of a direct payment system, etc.)

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